Our Kenyan Partnership

In 2001 some of our Kenyan members were convinced that Seattle needed a Kenyan Community church that worshiped in Swahili and Kikuyu.  With the blessing of the presbytery and RBPC, we started the Kenyan Community International Church, which has grown over the years into a thriving church.  We partner together in ministry and share facilities, ideas, and friendship.  The Kenyan service is at 4 pm and all are welcome.  At times we gather together for worship and fellowship.

THE GOOD NEWS: many congratulations to KCIC for building a beautiful new church/community center in Federal Way. They are fully moved into their new space now!

Neighborhood Peace Garden

In 2007 the Rainier Beach Neighborhood Peace Garden held its opening ceremonies with live music, food, and art activities.  The purpose of the lovely garden, funded by a generous grant from the Valparaiso Practice Project, is to encourage the practice of hospitality in our community.  Since its opening we have held Prayer Walks, Peace Walks, baptism services, and many informal events and meetings in the Peace Garden.  Most of all, we hope the Peace Garden symbolizes for our community the love of God for a broken world, and brings hope.  

Prayer Chain

One of the ways we partner with God in working for healing and peace in the world is through prayer.  At RBPC we have two active prayer chains—a telephone chain and an e-mail chain.  As soon as a request is submitted, two networks of people will begin praying.  God hears or prayers, and answers them with compassion, mercy, and power.  If you have a request for the prayer chain, you may contact the church office who will forward your request to the prayer chain organizer.


Every July or August we go camping for a few days.  We eat meals together, hike, swim in the river, and swap stories around the campfire.